our Clients' Profiles

And All You Need To Know About Who We Serve


Would you like to learn more about how and with whom we usually work? Then you are in the right place!

As a leading provider of innovative solutions in the education marketing and international student recruitment industry, we at geNEOus have built a robust portfolio of clients spanning from Higher Education to K-12, Language Schools, and NGOs. This page serves as a testament to our commitment to delivering tailored strategies and tangible results, showcasing real success stories of our impact on educational institutions worldwide.

Find out more about who we work with, and if you're seeking a deeper insight, check out our success stories below, where we showcase some of our collaborations with clients, step by step.

Icon of a graduation cap and diploma, representing higher education
Higher Education Institutions

We have a wealth of experience working with universities and business schools, from public to private sector institutions of all sizes. We do not boost student enrollment through quick fixes that need constant revision in the volatile and challenging higher education market, but by building in solutions and processes that are intelligent and sustainable. From education portals to engagement and conversion strategies through workflows, we empower your team to reach the next level. Do it the geNEOus way!

Icon of a school building with a clock and a flag, representing K-12 schools
K-12 Schools

K-12 education is an emotional business. Our bespoke solutions help your school to connect with parents in a way that builds trust, confidence, and results. Our training solutions make sure that your team is ready to handle the streamlined recruitment processes, and we ensure that you get the data insights you need to tweak and iterate in this fluid environment. From tailor-made student recruitment funnels to innovative engagement strategies, geNEOus' got you covered.

Icon of a school building with a clock and a flag, representing K-12 schools
Language Schools

Navigating the landscape of the language school market demands a fresh perspective and innovative strategies. Drawing from our extensive experience in the international education sector and diverse clientele worldwide, we know how to lead the way. Leveraging our insights, we pinpoint where to find your potential students and craft tailored solutions to effectively engage them. Our laser-focused approach ensures that every conversion isn't just economical but also seamless and effective. Let's redefine success together in this dynamic ecosystem.

Icon of hands holding a heart, representing non-profit organizations
Non-Profit Organizations

Education is not only formal, but informal, community-based, and lifelong. On a local level, we support National Education Agencies who are best placed to tailor strategies to their own setting, and improve education outcomes and inequalities. We  also support Non Profit Organizations and NGOs by extending their reach, building engagement, setting up clear communication channels with stakeholders, and automating processes to free up valuable  time and resources to do the work that makes a difference in this world.

Find out more about who we work with, and if you're seeking a deeper insight, check out our success stories below, where we showcase some of our collaborations with clients, step by step.

Unveiling Triumphs

Dive into Our Success Stories Below

They say that France is the land of romance, but when we arrived, there was no love lost between the international admission team and the CRM they were using. The internal processes they were using just didn’t fit with the CRM setup and, besides, everything was being done manually. No automated workflow processes meant their CRM was basically just used for storage.

We got to work. Firstly, we brought in HubSpot CRM as the team loved its user-friendly interface, and the functionality suited their scale and objectives perfectly. Step by step with the team, we then developed the blueprints for a much more sustainable relationship between the team, their CRM and all the processes that support their integration.

We started with a marketing and sales consultancy approach, to go through their current processes step by step. Our external perspective helped to identify inefficiencies, missed opportunities and duplications of effort that internal teams were doing as part of their routines. This process gave us all the blueprints for the new structure, which everyone could review and agree on as we fine-tuned the sales funnel.

Now ready for the build, we worked hand in hand with the admissions team as we layered the building blocks of their new, bespoke CRM. Making sure the team are on board and happy is hugely important in change management, and the team were relieved to see so much of their time freed up by automation and smoother workflows.

Free from manual labor and duplicated efforts, the institution was able to re-task employee time more strategically, to help grow recruitment and focus on personal and professional development.


1. Dissatisfaction with their CRM prior to our suggestion
2. Need for more automated process
3. Review of their student journey
4. Improvement of the lead management system
5. Migration from old CRM to new CRM

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1. Full analysis of current practices and data insights
2. Identification of improvements for sales funnel, including different touchpoints for each persona, depending on the journey stage
3. Implementation of the predefined sales funnel into the CRM through:
       a. Workflows with:
             i. Automated emails, depending on the              language chosen by the client (English or              French), sending the email accordingly to the              right audience
             ii. Automated tasks
             iii. Automated delays
        b. Personalized email templates
        c. Landing pages
        d. Forms
        e. Application process, in both languages (English         and French)
        f. Integration of letter automation tools, such         asPandaDoc
4. Automatic distribution of the leads within the admission team depending on the geographical areas, established by the client
5. Staff training to ensure CRM could be managed autonomously for full independence


1. Reduced manual labor: sales funnel completely automated in the CRM until the final stage of the conversion, where an internal team member would have a personal contact with the lead
2. Personalized and automated emails for each lead type, depending on their source of origin, the chosen language, and the stage of the funnel
3. Automated application process for each program with scheduled follow-ups and deals’ management guidelines until the last stage where a team member would have a personal contact with the lead
4. Key achievement: Less time spent on manual operations, more time invested in quality work and mastery of a tailor-made tool that processes leads in a seamless automated way, integrating personalizations at each stage

1. Dissatisfaction with their CRM prior to our suggestion
2. Need for more automated process
3. Review of their student journey
4. Improvement of the lead management system5. Migration from old CRM to new CRM

1. Full analysis of current practices and data insights
2. Identification of improvements for sales funnel, including different touchpoints for each persona, depending on the journey stage
3. Implementation of the predefined sales funnel into the CRM through:

a. Workflows with:

i. Automated emails, depending on the language chosen by the client (English or French), sending the email accordingly to the right audience
ii. Automated tasks
iii. Automated delays

b. Personalized email templates
c. Landing pages
d. Forms
e. Application process, in both languages (English and French)
f. Integration of letter automation tools, such as PandaDoc

4. Automatic distribution of the leads within the admission team depending on the geographical areas, established by the client
5. Staff training to ensure CRM could be managed autonomously for full independence

1. Reduced manual labor: sales funnel completely automated in the CRM until the final stage of the conversion, where an internal team member would have a personal contact with the lead
2. Personalized and automated emails for each lead type, depending on their source of origin, the chosen language, and the stage of the funnel
3. Automated application process for each program with scheduled follow-ups and deals’ management guidelines until the last stage where a team member would have a personal contact with the lead
4. Key achievement: Less time spent on manual operations, more time invested in quality work and mastery of a tailor-made tool that processes leads in a seamless automated way, integrating personalizations at each stage

Our friend in Barcelona started small, but not for long! They came to geNEOus with 3 objectives:

1. To increase the number of on-campus students in their middle & high school
2. To raise awareness of their school
3. To officially launch their virtual campus programs with a sufficient number of students to get started

Ambitious? Certainly, but we knew from the start that this team had everything they needed to succeed, and just needed our expertise to kick-start their growth. We knew we would get there together. 

This was (and still is!) a fast-paced institution, but when we arrived, a lot of work was being done manually. They had HubSpot CRM, but were lacking automation, so we undertook a full reorganization of their digital architecture to better meet their needs.  Customized views and reports were also established for a better and easier management of the leads, and understanding of the data. 

We took care of the content creation and design for each touchpoint, depending on the stage of the funnel. The deals' management was automated, through specific rules determined by the client. The cherry on top was developing and implementing a lead scoring strategy in their CRM, which meant that each potential student, depending on demographic and behavioral aspects, would get specific points throughout his/her journey and triggered human interaction only at the right time. 

By doing this, only the most qualified prospects would be personally contacted by the client’s team. The best bit was that the end users did not “feel” the automation at all, as all communications were fully personalized, and this was a true game-changer for administrative staff members who finally got time to breathe.  

With the inside running smoothly, we turned our focus outward, developing paid media campaigns and fresh, engaging blog content; both fully integrated within the new CRM. As we always do, our collaboration began with listening. Who did we want to reach, and how? What was the current situation and what data was available to us? With this, we were able to map out an approach that had everyone on board, and we started to build outwards and upwards. 

Every campaign that we created on Facebook, Instagram, and Google was integrated with their CRM, to enable us and the client to have:

1. Automated emails and follow-up messages through workflows
2.Updated reports of performance marketing from awareness, to sign-ups for an event, to campus visits, to students enrolled; in other words, the whole lifecycle of the funnel
3. Quantitative and qualitative information regarding the leads management

With support from weekly specialist blog articles written by our in-house Head of Education Content, we were able to raise the profile and reach of the institution, and make inroads to new audiences and networks. 

The result? Let’s just say that our Spanish friend is flourishing, expanding and dreaming ever bigger. 


1. A need for paid media campaigns and engaging blog 2. content to reach a new, wider audience
3. Objective to increase ROI, and enroll more students
Underperforming internal sales funnel
4. HubSpot being underused, and the majority of processes done manually
5. Review needed of their student journey for strategic perspective
6. Unreliable lead management system
7. Absence of a sales funnel and student journey mapping
8. Lack of automation of the sales funnel in order to reduce manual actions
9. Nonexistent paid media campaigns, as programs had previously been promoted only organically
10. Launch of a new program with a highly innovative teaching model, implying research and understanding of program-market fit

Espiral Arrow


1. Comprehensive review of sales funnel
2. Paid media audit, set-up, and calibration of Facebook and Instagram Ad accounts, as well as Google Ads to allow effective:
        a. Ad optimization and copy creation
        b. Budget evaluation and adjustment
        c. Bid optimization at all levels
        d. Negative keywords optimization
        e. Management and creation of audiences
        f. A/B experiments
        g. Attribution analysis and conversion funnels
        h. Remarketing campaigns
        i. Pixel and tag implementation to measure         campaign performance
        j. Configuration and application of scripts and        automatic rules
        k. Monthly performance evaluation
        l. Integration with HubSpot CRM
3. HubSpot CRM automation to allow more effective and efficient:
        a. Construction and implementation of the         customer journey
        b. Marketing automation
        c. Sales funnel automation
        d. Audience and targets segmentation in the CRM
        e. Content delivery automation
        f. Classification and identification of the original         source of the contacts
        g. Update, classification, and optimization of the         lifecycle stages of contacts
        h. Lifecycle stage guidelines
        i. Deal management and automation
        j. Automated Lead Nurturing
        k. Lead Scoring
        l. A/B automation tests
       m. Measurement and analysis of campaign data
       n. Management of historical and predictive reports
       o. Integration of forms and lead capture channels in        HubSpot
       p. Integration of event apps and tools into the CRM
       q. Implementation of good practices by CRM users
       r. Review and curation of CRM properties
4. Weekly specialist education blog and PR articles produced in brand voice, to engage with and provoke discussion among their network.
5. Clean, automated, personalized and functional sales funnel for the main program:
        a. Improvement of the CRM structure under         different aspects: properties, forms, emails,         notifications, landing pages
        b. Three types of integrations made with the CRM         to improve the funnel: WhatsApp, Stripe, Pandadoc
        c. Automation of the entire funnel, including emails,         notifications, reminders, property assignment         through workflows
        d. Forecasting to strengthen the points where the         funnel wasn’t working for potential customers
        e. Implementation of dashboards and reports with         useful metrics for the administrative, admissions         and marketing departments
6. Development of an effective sales funnel for programs that did not have one before:
       a. Identification of the journey of potential students         from the bottom of the funnel to conversion
        b. Integration of a new platform, Shopify, to         facilitate the purchase of certain programs
        c. CRM curation based on a tailor made strategy         where forms, mass emails, and notifications, among         others, were implemented
        d. Creation of a solid strategy for paid campaigns         to promote different programs with the objective of         raising awareness and boosting lead generation
7. Development of buyer personas, value proposition and competitor analysis to gain further market insights prior to the launch of a new and personalized product


1. Vastly increased brand awareness 
2. Automated marketing and enrollment processes through the CRM that freed up the client’s time to focus on the quality of the work and the depth of engagement with their leads
3. Lead scoring automations implementation for improved lead management

1. A need for paid media campaigns and engaging blog
2. content to reach a new, wider audience
3. Objective to increase ROI, and enroll more studentsUnderperforming internal sales funnel
4. HubSpot being underused, and the majority of processes done manually
5. Review needed of their student journey for strategic perspective
6. Unreliable lead management system
7. Absence of a sales funnel and student journey mapping
8. Lack of automation of the sales funnel in order to reduce manual actions
9. Nonexistent paid media campaigns, as programs had previously been promoted only organically
10. Launch of a new program with a highly innovative teaching model, implying research and understanding of program-market fit

1. Comprehensive review of sales funnel
2. Paid media audit, set-up, and calibration of Facebook and Instagram Ad accounts, as well as Google Ads to allow effective:

a. Ad optimization and copy creation
b. Budget evaluation and adjustment
c. Bid optimization at all levels
d. Negative keywords optimization
e. Management and creation of audiences        
f. A/B experiments        
g. Attribution analysis and conversion funnels        
h. Remarketing campaigns        
i. Pixel and tag implementation to measure campaign performance
j. Configuration and application of scripts and automatic rules
k. Monthly performance evaluation
l. Integration with HubSpot CRM

3. HubSpot CRM automation to allow more effective and efficient:

a. Construction and implementation of the customer journey
b. Marketing automation
c. Sales funnel automation
d. Audience and targets segmentation in the CRM
e. Content delivery automation
f. Classification and identification of the original source of the contacts
g. Update, classification, and optimization of the lifecycle stages of contacts
h. Lifecycle stage guidelines
i. Deal management and automation
j. Automated Lead Nurturing
k. Lead Scoring
l. A/B automation tests
m. Measurement and analysis of campaign data
n. Management of historical and predictive reports
o. Integration of forms and lead capture channels in HubSpot
p. Integration of event apps and tools into the CRM
q. Implementation of good practices by CRM users
r. Review and curation of CRM properties keywords optimization

4. Weekly specialist education blog and PR articles produced in brand voice, to engage with and provoke discussion among their network.
5. Clean, automated, personalized and functional sales funnel for the main program:

a. Improvement of the CRM structure under different aspects: properties, forms, emails, notifications, landing pages
b. Three types of integrations made with the CRM to improve the funnel: WhatsApp, Stripe, Pandadoc
c. Automation of the entire funnel, including emails, notifications, reminders, property assignment through workflows
d. Forecasting to strengthen the points where the funnel wasn’t working for potential customers
e. Implementation of dashboards and reports with useful metrics for the administrative, admissions and marketing departments

6. Development of an effective sales funnel for programs that did not have one before:

a. Identification of the journey of potential students from the bottom of the funnel to conversion
b. Integration of a new platform, Shopify, to facilitate the purchase of certain programs
c. CRM curation based on a tailor made strategy where forms, mass emails, and notifications, among others, were implemented
d. Creation of a solid strategy for paid campaigns to promote different programs with the objective of raising awareness and boosting lead generation

7. Development of buyer personas, value proposition and competitor analysis to gain further market insights prior to the launch of a new and personalized product

1. Vastly increased brand awareness
2. Automated marketing and enrollment processes through the CRM that freed up the client’s time to focus on the quality of the work and the depth of engagement with their leads
3. Lead scoring automations implementation for improved lead management

The increasing presence of the fractional CMO role in our sector speaks volumes to the pace of change around us. As organizations strive to maintain a strong presence in a highly demanding landscape while balancing this with strategic development to future-proof their business, achieving this equilibrium can prove exceedingly challenging. Forward-thinking organizations choose instead to bring in unique skills when they are needed, to provide targeted expertise and a fresh perspective.

This language school contacted us with a request to assume a leadership role in their marketing department in order to help them in a critical moment of growth in two dimensions of their recruitment process. Operating in a highly competitive environment, they needed to refine their message to cut through the noise of a crowded segment. Aiming to do so, they acknowledged that a bespoke CRM solution was also essential to fit the way they worked and ensure their efforts were focused and efficient.

We facilitated a seamless transition from their old CRM to a new, customized system, optimizing recruitment and admissions processes along the way. By digitalizing their operations, we streamlined workflows and reduced time spent on administrative tasks.

Simultaneously, we embarked on a journey to revitalize the school's brand identity. Through extensive market research and competitor analysis, we identified unique positioning opportunities. Collaborating closely with stakeholders, we distilled core values into a cohesive brand identity, culminating in the creation of a visually captivating logo.

Our efforts extended beyond branding to ensure consistency across all touchpoints. We developed a suite of materials, from stationery to digital assets, to reinforce the school's message and enhance brand recognition.

In addition to branding, we expanded their marketing initiatives through paid media campaigns and strategic listings on educational portals. Our aim was not only to generate leads but also to ensure quality, optimizing their recruitment efforts.

With these transformative initiatives in place, the language school is now equipped to refine its message, streamline recruitment processes, and expand confidently into new regions. Empowered by a compelling brand narrative and a tailored CRM solution, they're poised for growth and resilience, thanks to our collaboration.


1. Take on a leadership role of a department that was siloed, and embed our consultancy within their existing team
2. Analyze and refine their key messaging at a pivotal moment of development
3. Design, configure and deliver a bespoke CRM to streamline workflows and automate processes
4. Set up digital processes to boost efficiency and scalability

Espiral Arrow


1. Comprehensive review of sales funnel
2. Detailed data analysis of all in-house marketing actions and development of new marketing strategies
3. Development of buyer personas, value proposition and competitor analysis to gain further market insights prior to the launch of a new and personalized program
4. Creation of a personalized CRM structure as well as CRM automations to allow more effective, efficient and functional sales funnel for all the offered programs: 
        a. Creation of a CRM structure from scratch:         properties, forms, emails, notifications, landing         pages
        b. Integrations with the CRM to improve the funnel
        c. Automations of the entire funnel, including         emails, notifications, reminders, property         assignment through workflows
        d. Set up of dashboards and reports with useful         KPIs for the administrative, admissions and         marketing departments
5. Implementation of paid media campaigns from scratch on Google and Meta: 
        a. Paid media strategy development
        b. Ads Creation (Branding & Content) 
        c. Paid media strategy application 
        d. Paid Media Measurement 
        e. Paid Media Optimization


1. Increased brand awareness and lead generation 
2. Automated marketing and recruitment processes throughout the CRM, resulting in freeing up client’s time to focus on empathy related tasks and improve engagement with their leads
3. Strengthened marketing and lead generation actions which increased conversion rates
4. Developed and implemented shared best practices with the student recruitment team
5. Set up lead scoring automations for improved lead management

1. Take on a leadership role of a department that was siloed, and embed our consultancy within their existing team
2. Analyze and refine their key messaging at a pivotal moment of development
3. Design, configure and deliver a bespoke CRM to streamline workflows and automate processes
4. Set up digital processes to boost efficiency and scalability

1. Comprehensive review of sales funnel
2. Detailed data analysis of all in-house marketing actions and development of new marketing strategies
3. Development of buyer personas, value proposition and competitor analysis to gain further market insights prior to the launch of a new and personalized program
4. Creation of a personalized CRM structure as well as CRM automations to allow more effective, efficient and functional sales funnel for all the offered programs:

a. Creation of a CRM structure from scratch: properties, forms, emails, notifications, landing pages
b. Integrations with the CRM to improve the funnel
c. Automations of the entire funnel, including emails, notifications, reminders, property assignment through workflows
d. Set up of dashboards and reports with useful KPIs for the administrative, admissions and marketing departments

5. Implementation of paid media campaigns from scratch on Google and Meta:

a. Paid media strategy development
b. Ads Creation (Branding & Content)
c. Paid media strategy application
d. Paid Media Measurement
e. Paid Media Optimization

4. Weekly specialist education blog and PR articles produced in brand voice, to engage with and provoke discussion among their network.
5. Clean, automated, personalized and functional sales funnel for the main program:

a. Improvement of the CRM structure under different aspects: properties, forms, emails, notifications, landing pages
b. Three types of integrations made with the CRM to improve the funnel: WhatsApp, Stripe, Pandadoc
c. Automation of the entire funnel, including emails, notifications, reminders, property assignment through workflows
d. Forecasting to strengthen the points where the funnel wasn’t working for potential customers
e. Implementation of dashboards and reports with useful metrics for the administrative, admissions and marketing departments

1. Increased brand awareness and lead generation
2. Automated marketing and recruitment processes throughout the CRM, resulting in freeing up client’s time to focus on empathy related tasks and improve engagement with their leads
3. Strengthened marketing and lead generation actions which increased conversion rates
4. Developed and implemented shared best practices with the student recruitment team
5. Set up lead scoring automations for improved lead management

The challenge on our first collaboration with an NGO was certainly three-dimensional, as a new experience for the geNEOus team and our client alike. While every journey we take with a new client is a unique experience, working with an NGO requires us to step back and reassess our learned approach. From the terminology we used, to the mindset that informs the way we identify challenges and recommend solutions, the ecosystem of the non-profit organization is markedly different from private and public sector education organizations. 

The question was, how do we define the brand of a learning organization responding not to a “market”, but to emerging needs of communities in diverse regions of the world? 

Our client has a high-quality, adaptive and fluid learning offer which has grown through partnership, donor funding, and organic reach and does not follow typical trajectories of growth. Now, as their offer begins to appeal to new audiences, how might we ensure the brand story is coherent to all? How might we reorient the way the organization presents itself to this broader audience, and how might we reach them with a focus on strong organic growth strategies?

In our collaboration with the educational NGO, our focus was twofold. Firstly, we crafted strategies to elevate platform awareness while adhering to the organization's ethos of responsible marketing as an NGO. This involved a delicate balance of promoting the platform effectively while maintaining transparency and integrity in all communications. Our approach emphasized authenticity, aligning with the NGO's mission and values to resonate with their audience on a deeper level.

Secondly, we undertook efforts to enhance the learning and user experience on their website, recognizing the diverse global audiences served by the NGO. Through a thorough analysis of user behaviors and preferences, we recommended tailored solutions to optimize website functionality and accessibility across different regions and demographics. This included streamlining navigation to ensure a seamless experience for users regardless of their location or device.

Throughout our partnership, our goal was not only to drive awareness and engagement, but also to uphold the NGO's commitment to ethical and inclusive practices in education. By combining strategic marketing initiatives with user-centric website enhancements, we endeavored to support the NGO in achieving its mission of empowering learners globally.


1. Clearly define the brand and target audience
2. Refine the online messaging with a broader target audience in mind
3. Develop the UX and UI of the website
4. Generate organic growth strategies to reach new audiences and increase impact

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1. Market research including numerous interviews with key stakeholders to better understand the way they perceived and engaged with the brand, in order to therefore compare and contrast strategies
2. Full branding and marketing strategy with a focus on empowering the organization to internalize these tasks as much as possible, taking into account the best value for money options in terms of growth and development
3. Organic social media channels review and development of a new strategy personalized for internal KPIs, including tasks such as: 
        a. Definition of initial social media strategy with         posting type, approach, frequency, and timing
        b. Creation of frequent posts designed to build a         new organic audience and orient them to         understand the breadth of resources on offer and         the needs they meet. 
        c. Handover strategy to empower an internal         copywriter to take things forward in the future.         Though they are fully ready to take the reins, we will         walk alongside them a little longer yet, as they         implement an ever more ambitious growth         strategy. 
4. Full UX/UI analysis, and co-creation of a new look and feel with more clearly organized information and calls to action for a new, unfamiliar audience, visiting the website for the first time. Some of the main tasks were: 
        a. Analysis and synthesis of stakeholder feedback         on the website
        b. Collaborative implementation of changes with         internal teams and external design agency
        c. Storytelling approach to capture and         communicate brand origin, evolution, and future
5. Detailed SEO audit of the website to improve its performance in the long term. 


1. Increased brand awareness
2. Clearly defined brand for a complex set of stakeholders
3. Repositioned the brand within a wider audience segment
4. Grew organically a new social media channel
5. Set foundations for consistent future organic growth
6. Revamped website with improved UX/UI and SEO performance
7. Enhanced user experience and clearer learning offer

1. Clearly define the brand and target audience
2. Refine the online messaging with a broader target audience in mind
3. Develop the UX and UI of the website
4. Generate organic growth strategies to reach new audiences and increase impact

1. Market research including numerous interviews with key stakeholders to better understand the way they perceived and engaged with the brand, in order to therefore compare and contrast strategies
2. Full branding and marketing strategy with a focus on empowering the organization to internalize these tasks as much as possible, taking into account the best value for money options in terms of growth and development
3. Organic social media channels review and development of a new strategy personalized for internal KPIs, including tasks such as:

a. Definition of initial social media strategy with posting type, approach, frequency, and timing
b. Creation of frequent posts designed to build a new organic audience and orient them to understand the breadth of resources on offer and the needs they meet
c. Handover strategy to empower an internal copywriter to take things forward in the future. Though they are fully ready to take the reins, we will walk alongside them a little longer yet, as they implement an ever more ambitious growth strategy

4. Full UX/UI analysis, and co-creation of a new look and feel with more clearly organized information and calls to action for a new, unfamiliar audience, visiting the website for the first time. Some of the main tasks were:

a. Analysis and synthesis of stakeholder feedback on the website
b. Collaborative implementation of changes with internal teams and external design agency
c. Storytelling approach to capture and communicate brand origin, evolution, and future

5. Detailed SEO audit of the website to improve its performance in the long term.

1. Increased brand awareness
2. Clearly defined brand for a complex set of stakeholders
3. Repositioned the brand within a wider audience segment
4. Grew organically a new social media channel
5. Set foundations for consistent future organic growth
6. Revamped website with improved UX/UI and SEO performance
7. Enhanced user experience and clearer learning offer

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