CRM Implementations & Automations

Revolutionize your administrative efficiency and enhance student engagement with our specialized CRM Implementations & Automations service. We understand the unique challenges faced by education institutions, and our service is designed to seamlessly integrate customer relationship management solutions, fostering a more connected and efficient marketing and recruitment ecosystem.

The Challenge

Institutions have different processes, touchpoints, objectives and, of course, very busy humans who can sometimes forget things! Bringing all of this together in an off-the-shelf CRM solution can actually create more problems than it solves, because it does not adapt to your unique situation.

The Opportunity

We figure out what stays, what could be refined, and how to make the whole interaction with your CRM really work for everyone so that you can have more time to engage on tasks requiring empathy with prospective students. Automated workflows mean less time wasted on chasing things up, and fewer missed opportunities. The implementation phase focuses not just on the short-term, but also on training your team and empowering them to make further tweaks and improvements as your organization evolves.

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